Commercial Business Loans

Need finance for your business? Are you wanting to expand, acquire new assets or be able to pursue new business opportunities?

Businesses need finance for a number of different reasons and growth stages. One of the most common methods for financing a business is to use a commercial business loan.

Everybody knows the saying “It is easy to get a loan unless you need it”. That’s where The Mortgage Advice Company can help. We’ll ensure you avoid the lengthy application processes and make it stress-free.

There’s a wide range of loans for businesses to choose from, depending on your unique business needs. We can assist with company finance for expansion, investment capital, leasing, purchasing, or refinancing of commercial properties, retail shops, industrial land, factories, and offices, as well as cash flow lending.

In cahoots, we’ll…

  • Help you to achieve your business growth goals.
  • Structure a loan to maximise tax benefits.
  • Secure a tailored interest rate for you and your circumstance.

Why choose The Mortgage Advice Company?

Expert Advice

Expert Advice

We’re all prior senior bankers with extensive networks and business acumen. We understand how banks think.



We take the time to get to know you, where you are now, and your goals before developing a strategy to get you there.



We understand what makes an appealing application. We’ll help complete the paperwork and recommend the best lender for you.



We’re here to ensure that you receive fair and prompt payment, to get you back to normal. In the event of a dispute, we’ll act as your advocate.

Better Access

Better Access

We have a network of major lenders and products to choose from giving you better access and more options to choose from.

No Suprises

No Suprises

We’re normally paid by product providers. We’re legally required to disclose any fees or other charges. This means no surprises at a later date.

Ready to grow your business?

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